Certifications and disposal

Our certifications were conducted in an indepentende manner and can be
sent to health care institutions without any problems.

With the exception of straw, all other bedding is not biodegradable and in some countries in Euorpa, such as Italy a separate fee is charged.



Litter Relaxing is created from a single raw material exclusively based on cellulose, with a regular homogeneous shape free of dust and allergens.

Once dried, the litter can be completely disposed of and distributed on agricultural land without the need for further treatment as
“as is.”

In addition, it can be used for the manufacture of
, in accordance with Regulatory Decree 205 of 2010 regarding the disposal of animal waste, thus serving as an organic-type fertilizer.

Our product is often contenstrated because disposal officials claim it contains toxic inks: this is false, inaccurate and certifiably proven.

When the litter box is removed:

It can be used as compost/fertilizer

It can be disposed of directly on land as it is completely biodegradable, as certified by the University of Salerno

It can be disposed of as if it were wet (wet fraction of garbage) like food scraps to give an idea

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